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G&G Breaks New Inkjet Cartridge Recycling Records
February 21, 2024

G&G Breaks New Inkjet Cartridge Recycling Records

Discarding empty printer cartridges may have lasting environmental consequences. They can take over 1,000 years to decompose and continue to pose a threat long after users have thrown them away.


Each year, around 1.3 billion inkjet cartridges are used worldwide, but it’s estimated that only around 30% of them are recycled. Therefore, it is imperative for manufacturers to exert every effort to collect and recycle these empty cartridges. 


G&G strives to fulfil its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) responsibilities and demonstrate leadership in green and low-carbon sustainable development. G&G's parent company Ninestar was recently upgraded to a Triple B (BBB) in ESG rating.


In 2019, G&G commenced its “Going Green” worldwide recycling program, beginning with Europe as a critical element in its long-standing commitment to a greener planet. The G&G Going Green recycling program provides consumers a free, easy, and environmentally responsible way to recycle their empty ink cartridges. They can return their used ink cartridges to G&G Recycle Centers via a postage-paid envelope enclosed within the packaging of G&G cartridges.


“G&G has continued to update its records for the recycling program. In 2022, G&G remanufactured 129,805 empty inkjet cartridges. We were able to reuse 85% of what we collected,” said Linda Fan, Senior Vice General Manager of Ninestar Image.

‘Going Green’ Recycling Program


Key ‘Going Green’ Recycling Program Milestones:


Fan added, “We know recycling is becoming more important than ever. G&G’s ‘Going Green’ recycling program lets our customers keep the cartridges out of landfills and let them live again. This also contributes to a greener and healthier planet for us.”


G&G is encouraging all green thinkers to join us in becoming green activists! To learn more about the ‘Going Green’ recycling program, please email info@ggimage.com.

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