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Last G&G Chief Printing Officer Released
September 10, 2020

With the second G&G Chief Printing Officer (CPO), Jesaeng Hospital in South Korea being unveiled, there is only one winner to be announced. So who will be the lucky one to get the last chance? Congratulations to  İstanbul Faculty of Medicine, a time-honored faculty of İstanbul University in Turkey.
The CPO project in Turkey is kindly supported a local distributor that started cooperation with G&G since 2016.

G&G will provide the İstanbul Faculty of Medicine with one-year high-quality replacement cartridges HP CE505XX, HP CE285A and HP Q2612A for free.

With G&G’s consumables, students of İstanbul Faculty of Medicine can print documents conveniently. And valuable feedbacks from them are expected.

                                             Site photo: G&G’s products delivered to İstanbul University

“Thanks G&G for being with us in these difficult times. These consumables will be a great help for us in the next one year, and we will give the company our feedbacks of printing experience as useful as possible”, said Dr. Ahmet, a prestigious professor of İstanbul Faculty of Medicine.

G&G is working on offering good experience for customers in every channel, such as education and medicine. By collecting feedbacks from the CPO, it will improve its products and provide effective solutions for vertical customers.

As all the three CPOs are released already, please keep your eyes on later-on feedbacks.

For more information, please contact marketing_center@ggimage.com.

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